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    Deep in the bowels of Clubs Australia lies the poker machine war room: a reinforced construction of concrete and steel, impervious to attack or...

  • much ado about nothing

    much ado about nothing

    In the ever-changing world of poker machine reform, Thursday March 22 2012 was shaping up as a red letter day. Parliament were sitting for...

  • gambling and your team

    gambling and your team

    NOTE: This list has been substantially revised and re-published, as of October 2015. You can find it here: Gambling and your team – revised....

  • loyalty at any price

    loyalty at any price

    I’ve been asked many, many times about the difference between voluntary and mandatory pre-commitment for poker machines. Why is it that industry and state...

  • star struck

    star struck

    The incompetence of Sydney’s casino has opened the door for Clubs NSW to get what they want… and that spells trouble.

  • it’s time to speak up

    it’s time to speak up

    Over the past year or so there has been a flood of articles, stories, reports and press releases about gambling. This was triggered by...

  • trials and tribulations

    trials and tribulations

    I guess it was only a matter of time. I’ve been making a real effort to keep my happy face on this year, but...

  • an EPIC struggle, but the end is in sight

    an EPIC struggle, but the end is in sight

    It’s been a long haul… but the battle for Castlemaine may be moving into its final days. The VCGR this week held a two-day...