Monthly Archive: July 2017

  • A Response To ACT Liberal MLA Mark Parton (guest post)

    A guest post from Leigh Mason, the current Chairperson of the Gambling Impact Society NSW, in response to recent comments by and articles about ACT Liberal MLA Mark Parton. We need more of Leigh’s honesty and passion and less of Mark’s disingenuous approach and opposition to gambling reform. Let’s hope he’s listening.

  • Victoria’s Pokies Freeze Is Cold Comfort

    When I heard the news yesterday that the Victorian government was announcing new poker machine reforms, I was understandably interested. There hadn’t been any warning that an announcement was on the cards… what kind of reforms were they going to announce? After years of inertia and tinkering around the edges, were we finally going to see some change that really mattered?

    Short answer: no.