Monthly Archive: October 2015

  • Geelong casino a bad bet

    Geelong casino a bad bet

    Talk of a second Victorian casino has been going around almost since the day Crown opened its doors over 20 years ago. Mildura, Portland and Lakes Entrance have all been mooted as possible sites but nothing has ever eventuated.

    Now, according to this exclusive in The Age, they’re considering it again… only this time, they’re looking at Geelong.


  • Australia’s poker machines: behind the con

    Australia’s poker machines: behind the con

    Australia, it’s official. We’ve been had.

    Even if you’ve never played a poker machine, most of us are familiar with the concept. You put some money in, you press a button, the reels spin, and if they line up, you win. If they don’t, you lose.

    Or so we thought; it turns out we were wrong.


  • Poker machine industry slams Ka-Ching! documentary

    Poker machine industry slams Ka-Ching! documentary

    Poker machine documentary “Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation” went to air last night, and has caused quite a stir. The hour-long documentary looked beyond the human element and analysed the machines themselves, the people who design them, the people who make them, the people who profit from them. It pulled no punches and was damning in its conclusions: that poker machines are designed to addict, and that they do it incredibly well.

    This is not my review of Ka-Ching!. This is my review of the industry response.


  • Mind games: young adults targeted by poker machines

    Mind games: young adults targeted by poker machines

    Early on Saturday morning, around 1am, an email arrived in my inbox. It had come through the contact form on my blog, and it was from a young man, Joe, in another city.

    It was a cry for help. At the tender age of 20, Joe was addicted to poker machines.


  • gambling and your team – revised

    gambling and your team – revised

    How firmly entrenched has gambling become in the teams we follow? Do you know how committed your club is to the gambling dollar? Does private ownership make a difference, or is betting the only course for financial stability in our sport?

    How involved in gambling is YOUR team?