Monthly Archive: May 2013

  • $1 bets – the lies that sunk the dream

    $1 bets – the lies that sunk the dream

    Picture this.

    The government, belatedly realising that the poker machine industry has gone too far in its quest to maximise profits, decides to act. They announce that as a measure to combat problem gambling, the maximum bet on poker machines will be slashed. An aggressive timeframe is put in place; industry has two months to ensure all new machines comply, and within two years all poker machines, new and old, must meet the new standard.

  • ALP senator likens sports betting to breakfast cereal, coca-cola

    ALP senator likens sports betting to breakfast cereal, coca-cola

    Are you sick of sports betting ads? Hate the sight of Tom Waterhouse’s grinning face? Find it impossible to hear “Those Magic Moments” without thinking of those suckers at the TAB?
    Well, get used to it. If the attitudes of our politicians are any indication, things won’t be changing for a long, long time… if at all.

  • sports betting to get an MA rating

    sports betting to get an MA rating

    Sports betting ads are the cane toads of Australia’s broadcast media. Unwanted, unloved, they are multiplying at a rate of knots and marching across the landscape, devouring everything in their path and resisting all attempts to beat them into submission.