Monthly Archive: March 2011

  • brendan fevola

    brendan fevola

    Right. You’ll have to excuse me if I get a little abrupt here, but I’m very, very pissed off. Breaking news this morning tells...

  • in this house of cards, beware the clubs

    in this house of cards, beware the clubs

    When Julia Gillard’s Labor Party formed a minority government in the aftermath of the 2010 Federal election, Parliament House became a house of cards:...

  • reading between the lines

    reading between the lines

    Statistics are a wonderful thing. If you’re nice to them, treat them well and massage them just the right way, they can say anything...

  • singleton gets involved… again

    singleton gets involved… again

    The ClubsAustralia / AHA campaign against gambling reform just got a whole lot more interesting. ClubsAustralia have engaged the services of veteran ad-man and...

  • peter newell’s latest letter – a call to arms

    peter newell’s latest letter – a call to arms

    Back in October 2010, I wrote about a letter written by Peter Newell, chairman of ClubsNSW and president of ClubsAustralia. Newell penned that letter...

  • the poker machine “zone”

    the poker machine “zone”

    I had so much fun making my first short video, Time For Change, and got such a great reaction that I thought I’d have...

  • ciobo’s bias threatens to undermine gambling reform

    ciobo’s bias threatens to undermine gambling reform

    Every now and then, those in authority start something that has the potential to make a real difference. It really doesn’t matter who’s in...

  • time for change

    time for change

    I thought it was about time I tried something a little different. Regular readers will be aware of the ClubPubFail campaign and petition that...

  • baw baw joins the pokie fight

    baw baw joins the pokie fight

    The Shire of Baw Baw has joined the growing list of towns and municipalities that have had enough of the ever-spreading presence of poker...