Monthly Archive: October 2010

  • pokie-free pubs in victoria

    pokie-free pubs in victoria

    The original “pokie-free pubs in Victoria” list was tremendously popular. It has recently been updated and can now be found here: Pokie-free pubs in...

  • money laundering at the pokies – part two

    money laundering at the pokies – part two

    Back on the 1st of October, 2010, the Sydney Morning Herald published an article by Vanda Carson about the practice of using poker machines...

  • truly tragic

    truly tragic

    It doesn’t feel right, to be writing about this in a blog. But some things need to be said, whether you want to broach...

  • a letter from peter newell – the lies continue

    a letter from peter newell – the lies continue

    A regular reader contacted me recently to alert me to a letter she’d come across in the Shoalhaven ExServicemens Club newsletter. This letter, tucked...

  • sneaky bastards file – tattersalls and the mail exchange hotel

    sneaky bastards file – tattersalls and the mail exchange hotel

    When I’m not playing with my kids, or blogging about gambling shenanigans, I work in Melbourne’s CBD. My trip to work takes me to...

  • a letter from the clubs

    a letter from the clubs

    It’s been a little quiet on the news front over the past few days, especially after the club-driven frenzy over fingerprinting and pre-commitment technology....

  • no pokies for jan juc

    no pokies for jan juc

    The little town of Jan Juc on Victoria’s surf coast is a quiet place for much of the year. There aren’t many people, and...

  • money laundering at the pokies? get your facts straight!

    money laundering at the pokies? get your facts straight!

    Lost amongst the deluge of “fingerprinting” stories in the press over the last couple of days, this story appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald....