Monthly Archive: June 2010

  • $1 gambling cap

    $1 gambling cap

    There’s been a lot of talk in the media these past few days about a specific recommendation in the productivity commission report into gambling....

  • quiet desperation

    quiet desperation

    I’ve mentioned before that after I stopped gambling, I took up writing as one way of filling the void left in my life by...

  • collateral damage

    collateral damage

    I read the news today; oh boy… Did anybody else see this? An article on the Age website this morning, “Train late but pokies...

  • australians love to gamble?

    australians love to gamble?

    There’s a widespread belief that Australians, on the whole, love to gamble. That we’re fond of a punt, we love a bet, we’ll stake...

  • give me back my sport!

    give me back my sport!

    Let me take a moment to talk about sport. I love sport. Heck, I live in Melbourne… it’s practically a requirement to love sport...